Finding Purpose in an Active Adult Community

Community Life
Bella Vita Active Adult Community Purposeful Living

Posted: March 12, 2024

Purpose – a simple word – but when left without it in our lives, there is a profound effect on our happiness. In the quest for fulfillment as we age, we often seek purpose, a driving force that gives our lives meaning and direction. Yet, defining purpose can be elusive, as it extends beyond merely making a difference in others’ lives.

Rather, purposeful living encompasses a deeply personal journey, where finding meaning in one’s own life becomes paramount. Finding purpose in an adult living community is about setting goals, nurturing dreams, and crafting plans that resonate with our innermost desires. When each day is infused with intentionality and clarity about what we’re doing and why we’re doing it, we are truly living with purpose.

Join us as we explore the profound sense of personal fulfillment that can be discovered within the vibrant environment of an active adult community, where individual journeys toward purpose intertwine and flourish.

Embarking on Personal Journeys: Unveiling Purpose within Bella Vita Active Adult Community

Bella Vita Resident Purposeful LivingWithin the vibrant Bella Vita Adult Community, purpose thrives in myriad forms, woven into the fabric of everyday life. A single conversation with a resident can give a glimpse into the diverse pathways individuals traverse in their pursuit of fulfillment in this stage of life. The following stories illustrate how purpose isn’t just a concept – but a lived experience, rich with meaning and resonance. From the quiet fulfillment found in personal growth to the profound impact of forging connections with others, each tale within Bella Vita serves as a testament to the transformative power of a purpose driven lifestyle.


Jill Hiller –  Former Regional Sales and Marketing Director for Cappella Living Solutions 

Jill has shared her journey with purpose through the lens of a senior living professional by way of her dog, Toby.
Jill’s lovable West Highland Terrier spent many days chasing squirrels in the backyard. When Jill moved into a condo with no yard, it was then that she realized how much the space and the squirrels meant to Toby and his overall wellbeing and purpose. She realized quickly that her fun-loving pup was miserable – eagerly wishing to complete his purpose.
It wasn’t until several trips to the vet to help with his newfound anxiety that Jill realized that her presence alone in being Toby’s dog mom was not enough to fulfill him. To compare this to her profession, it clicked for Jill that the same goes for aging adults. The key to a purpose driven lifestyle comes from finding those reasons to get up in the morning. She firmly believes that the approach to wellness and community life that communities like Bella Vita help to provide, the perfect context for adults to find fulfillment and purpose.

Charlotte Meyers – Bella Vita Resident

Bella Vita doesn’t just preach purpose as one of their guiding 5 Pillars of Wellness – residents like Charlotte can attest to building a purpose driven life. Charlotte has learned to appreciate the time available for adventure. Recently, Charlotte and her daughter, granddaughter and husband tackled the 8,123-foot summit of Heart Mountain in Wyoming. Her life as a resident with the Bella Vita 55+ community paves way for a purpose-driven life by allowing Charlotte to stay active and enjoy her love for the outdoors.CPW 5 pillars of wellness

Richard Lampert – Bella Vita resident

Another resident, Richard, has found a purpose-driven lifestyle by taking a recent vacation with his daughter. Setting sail on their first-ever cruise, Richard and his daughter visited various spots in Alaska, saw Glacier National Park, as well as participated in several excursions including whale watching and wildlife viewing. While not every day can be spent on vacation, as aging adults like Richard have come to find out, investing time and energy into meaningful experiences brings life and joy to one’s life.
As a society we underestimate the desire and need for older adults to have purpose. We expect them to just slow down and enjoy their golden years, but the fact remains that older adults who have a sense of purpose enjoy life more and stay healthier. As per the approach of the 5 Pillars of Wellness for Adult Living, may we all carry with us the understanding that life resides not solely in grand gestures or external validation, but in the everyday moments where we find meaning and intentionality. Within the embrace of community, may we continue to seek and cultivate purpose, enriching our lives and those around us with every step we take.


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