Enjoy Your Retirement!

senior couple smiling

Posted: October 3, 2019

Are you newly retired? If so, you’ve entered a period of the greatest freedom that life has to offer. To make the most of retirement living, it’s important to know which parts of your previous life to embrace, and which parts to leave behind. Here are three helpful points to consider, as you sort through all your options:

1. Your home shouldn’t become another job

Back when you bought your first home, you were probably content to clean gutters, shovel snow off the front steps, or refinish the deck. Doing these things meant you had achieved home ownership, a milestone of adulthood. Now, however, all that upkeep probably seems less appealing. You may not need that large yard, or extra rooms to heat and maintain. Many older adults are ready to give up the grind of seasonal chores, instead spending their time instead doing what they enjoy. This is the luxury of maintenance free living.

2. You can say goodbye to sitting in traffic

How many years have you spent commuting to a job? Or getting into your car every time you wanted to buy groceries or visit friends? Retirement living in centrally located senior apartments means that almost everything you need is just a short walk away. Feel like meeting friends at a game room? Taking your dog to the park? Heading out for shopping, or dinner? Hosting a meeting for your organization? All those options and more are easily accessible when you live at Bella Vita.

3. You have time to nurture your body and mind

Being retired means you can exercise — or nap! — on your own schedule. At Bella Vita, you can sit down with friends for a leisurely conversation, enroll in a continuing education class, or go for a solitary bike ride. The sky’s the limit… retirement is a beautiful opportunity for exploring new experiences!

Call us or send us an email to learn more about how Bella Vita is a great place to spend your retirement years. We have a full gallery so you can see what our community looks like.

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